Soziales Gesunder Lebensstil Lebenskompetenz und Bildung Beziehungen zu Schulen The New Saints FC
The project was established in January 2014, and has involved close working with local schools, academies and colleges, who have promoted the activities with their female students. ‘Buy-in’ from local schools is integral to this project. Being located in a rural area, public transport is extremely limited, and becomes another barrier for young people wanting to access leisure facilities and activities – working with the schools has enabled use of school transport to bring pupils to our facilities. The Foundation has used its own football and multi-sport coaches, together with representatives from partner sports clubs to o er participating girls a variety of different physical activities – including zumba, hoola hooping, teen yoga, golf, soccercise, dodgeball, handball, and tennis in an ‘after-school’ club format. The majority of activities are delivered in the school/college settings, and girls are rewarded for introducing new participants and for regular attendance. As girls make friendships, and gain confidence, they are invited to attend sessions at the Football Club (using school transport) – where they are offered free use and induction to the Club’s on-site gym; social activities such as ten-pin bowling; and beauty, health and wellbeing, plus activities on our 3G pitch. The Club is run on a weekly basis – girls have particularly enjoyed activities not normally on school timetables, together with the opportunity for gym use.
Main Objectives:
Gill Jones, Foundation Officer
+ 44 1691 684 840
Best Practices from ECA Member Clubs