Soziales Lebenskompetenz und Bildung Beziehungen zu Schulen A.C. Milan
The project is run by the Club’s CSR Department. It activates the AC Milan football schools network to support and develop the project at local level in the selected public primary schools and coordinates the local AC Milan football schools and the local schools to develop a shared activity plan. It monitors the progress of the plan, collects feedback from the teachers and assesses the availability of adequate equipment for physical education in the participating schools, and develops a specific training routine for the teachers based on AC Milan Academy methodology. Finally, it provides the AC Milan Academy instructor responsible of the teachers training activity. In the first year, more than 8’000 kids (400 classes) were reached in eight regions in Italy, eight lessons of one hour of physical education were given to each class, held by an AC Milan Trainer, in the presence of the class teacher. Additionally, three lessons of five hours were given to all the teachers of each school held by an AC Milan Academy Instructor to focus on how to approach physical education for children. 1’200 guidelines handbooks have been distributed to the teachers involved and 11’000 leaflets distributed to parents/families of the pupils involved with a summary of tips about correct physical activity. Thanks to the programme, an integrated methodology that develops technical-tactical, psycho-pedagogical, relational and motor-coordinative skills was set, social responsibility and sport culture was promoted to parents and teachers and a focus was put on gradually making physical education an asset for the positive development of the community.
Main Objectives:
Martino Roghi, Club CSR Department
+39 02 62 284 584